Npm serverless-pseudo-parameters
Npm serverless-pseudo-parameters

npm serverless-pseudo-parameters
  1. Npm serverless pseudo parameters install#
  2. Npm serverless pseudo parameters code#

Serverless plugins are JavaScript plugins that extend the behavior of the Serverless framework.īref provides a plugin via the Composer package, which explains why the path is a relative path into the vendor directory. Specify your state machine definition using Amazon States Language in a definition statement in serverless.yml. plugins:-serverless-step-functions Setup. Add the plugin to your serverless.yml file.

Npm serverless pseudo parameters install#

npm install -save-dev serverless-step-functions.

initializer in this case is an npm package named create-, which will be installed by npx, and then have its main bin executed - presumably creating or updating package.json and running any other initialization-related operations. Run npm install in your Serverless project. The provider section also lets us configure global options on all functions: provider: npm init can be used to set up a new or existing npm package.

# The AWS region in which to deploy (us-east-1 by default) sudo npm install -g serverless: Installs a serverless framework package. The below should be copied as the content of serverless.yml. Provider provider:īref only supports the aws provider, even though Serverless can deploy applications on other cloud providers like Google Cloud, Azure, etc. serverless-pseudo-parameters: Resolves pseudo-parameters such as AWS::AccountId.

npm serverless-pseudo-parameters

Npm serverless pseudo parameters code#

Write the following code into the serverless.

npm serverless-pseudo-parameters

Edit the serverless. Now lets make a serverless file and add what we need to deploy the bot: touch serverless.yml. Now you can start setting up the AppSync application. npm init npm i babel-core & serverless-bundle & serverless-pseudo-parameters & aws-sdk & axios. Since Serverless lets us deploy a project in multiple stages (prod, dev, staging…), CloudFormation stacks will contain both the service name and the stage: app-prod, app-dev, etc. npm install -save serverless-appsync-plugin npm install -save serverless-pseudo-parameters. The service is simply the name of your project. Overview service: appīucketName: 'my-bucket' Service service: app You can learn in the official Serverless documentation. This page introduces a few advanced concepts of the serverless.yml format. This plugin is community contributed and not officially supported by Dynatrace.In case of problems, feature requests, or questions submit a ticket on GitHub. Your application is deployed using the Serverless framework based on the serverless.yml configuration file. dynatrace-oneagent is a plugin for serverless framework which will add Dynatrace monitoring automatically to serverless deployments.

Npm serverless-pseudo-parameters